About GamePoint

General information

All games are developed by GamePoint B.V. and its suppliers. The games are owned by GamePoint B.V.
Read our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.


1) GamePoint Support: You can send us a question 24 hours a day via any Contact button in the game. You will receive an answer as soon as possible. It is important that you state your question clearly in the message; the more information you provide us, the better we can assist you. Reports containing insults or threats will not be answered.

2) Game Chat: You can reach out to an employee in the game when they are online. GamePoint employees have a recognizable 'G' in front of their name and are frequently available for questions.


GamePoint Administration
Andries Bickerweg 1A
2517 JP The Hague

Chamber of Commerce:



Chat with us!

Telephone: +31 70 4272970
Available on workdays between 9:00 AM and 10:00 PM CET (Central European Time).
