Eventos Actuales

Slots Craze 2 - iPhone 16 Raffle

1. The Slots Craze 2 iPhone 16 Raffle is a giveaway that starts 13th of December, 12PM Eastern Standard time and lasts until 1st of January 00:00 Eastern Standard Time
2. Players must reach level 20 in Slots Craze 2 to win3. There are no limitations to the number of time you register or play
3. There are no limitations to the number of time you register or play
4. There is no need to spend any money. Players can reach level 20 without spending money
5. Spending money wil not improve your chance of winning the iPhone
6. This event is applicable to all players in all countries
7. The winner the iPhone will be contacted through either a Facebook message ('filtered requests') or via the e-mail address that is currently known at Crazy Games Development. All players themselves are responsible for having a valid e-mail address or linked Facebook account
8. The winner of the iPhone 16 has 24 hours after the Giveaway to claim their prize by replying to Crazy Games Development's e-mail or sending an e-mail stating that they claim their prize to [email protected]
9. The winner of the prize may be asked to share a testimonial and their likeness for the purpose of advertising and other communications.
10. Crazy Games Development holds the right to end the event without any prior notice or announcement.
11. All employees (staff, freelancers and volunteers) at Crazy Games Development and Crazy Games Development and their immediate families are excluded from entering this raffle
12. We require a minimum age of 18 years for participation in Crazy Games Development events.
13. Prizes that are won cannot be traded or exchanged for money.  Crazy Games Development reserves the right to refrain from handing out a gift when they feel there is a legitimate reason.
14. Winners will be notified within 10 days after the events closing date
15. Crazy Games Development is not responsible for wrongly displayed information about the prize by advertisers and / or sponsors
16. Crazy Games Development is not responsible for possible malfuntions at the postcompany or other mail or courier companies (for example delay, strike or loss). In the case a prize is sent by registered mail but can not be handed to the winner of the prize or the partner/person present, and needs to be picked up at a later date by the prize winner (for example at the post office or post agency etc), Crazy Games Development cannot be held responsible if the price is not picked up by the winner, even if there has been no notification or message left by PostNL or other mail or courier company, or if this notification or message has been lost or if it has been damaged in an unacceptable manner.
17. Crazy Games Development can change certain parts of these conditions for organisational or juridical/legal reasons without prior announcements or further explanation afterwards.
18. The data from participants in our events and / or contests may be stored in our database. Crazy Games Development may use this data to contact participants and inform them of its activities.  Crazy Games Development will comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) or any other applicable data protection laws in handling participants' personal data. The stored data will not be passed to third parties.
19. No correspondence is possible regarding the outcome of promotions or contests. The draws and announcements of winners are final.
20. Crazy Games Development reserves the right to start and cancel online promotions at any random moment without notifications. This may include, but is not limited to: early bird promotions, double credit promotions and discount promotions.
21. When it is suspected that gift promotions, registration promotions etc are abused, Crazy Games Development can and may withdraw gifts and take appropriate measures.
22. No monetary payment is required in order to receive the prize offered.
23. All game taxes will be paid by Crazy Games Development. Any other taxes, inlcuding or excluding country of residence, are the responsibility of the participant.
24. Crazy Games Development is not responsible for any typographical errors, technical failures, any form of discomfort that occurs during an action or any damages resulting therefrom.
25. Prizes need to be claimed within 2 weeks after the winner announcement. If the winner does not react within this time Crazy Games Development holds the right to refrain from handing out the prize.  Crazy Games Development is not responsible for wrongly filled in email addresses or home addresses filled in by our users.
26. These conditions are additional to the General Promotional Guidelines. By participating in this event you agree to both the specific and the General Promotional Guidelines.
1. The Slots Craze 2 iPhone 16 Raffle is a giveaway that starts 13th of December, 12PM Eastern Standard time and lasts until 1st of January 00:00 Eastern Standard Time
2. Players must reach level 20 in Slots Craze 2 to win3. There are no limitations to the number of time you register or play
3. There are no limitations to the number of time you register or play
4. There is no need to spend any money. Players can reach level 20 without spending money
5. Spending money wil not improve your chance of winning the iPhone
6. This event is applicable to all players in all countries
7. The winner the iPhone will be contacted through either a Facebook message ('filtered requests') or via the e-mail address that is currently known at Crazy Games Development. All players themselves are responsible for having a valid e-mail address or linked Facebook account
8. The winner of the iPhone 16 has 24 hours after the Giveaway to claim their prize by replying to Crazy Games Development's e-mail or sending an e-mail stating that they claim their prize to [email protected]
9. The winner of the prize may be asked to share a testimonial and their likeness for the purpose of advertising and other communications.
10. Crazy Games Development holds the right to end the event without any prior notice or announcement.
11. All employees (staff, freelancers and volunteers) at Crazy Games Development and Crazy Games Development and their immediate families are excluded from entering this raffle
12. We require a minimum age of 18 years for participation in Crazy Games Development events.
13. Prizes that are won cannot be traded or exchanged for money.  Crazy Games Development reserves the right to refrain from handing out a gift when they feel there is a legitimate reason.
14. Winners will be notified within 10 days after the events closing date
15. Crazy Games Development is not responsible for wrongly displayed information about the prize by advertisers and / or sponsors
16. Crazy Games Development is not responsible for possible malfuntions at the postcompany or other mail or courier companies (for example delay, strike or loss). In the case a prize is sent by registered mail but can not be handed to the winner of the prize or the partner/person present, and needs to be picked up at a later date by the prize winner (for example at the post office or post agency etc), Crazy Games Development cannot be held responsible if the price is not picked up by the winner, even if there has been no notification or message left by PostNL or other mail or courier company, or if this notification or message has been lost or if it has been damaged in an unacceptable manner.
17. Crazy Games Development can change certain parts of these conditions for organisational or juridical/legal reasons without prior announcements or further explanation afterwards.
18. The data from participants in our events and / or contests may be stored in our database. Crazy Games Development may use this data to contact participants and inform them of its activities.  Crazy Games Development will comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) or any other applicable data protection laws in handling participants' personal data. The stored data will not be passed to third parties.
19. No correspondence is possible regarding the outcome of promotions or contests. The draws and announcements of winners are final.
20. Crazy Games Development reserves the right to start and cancel online promotions at any random moment without notifications. This may include, but is not limited to: early bird promotions, double credit promotions and discount promotions.
21. When it is suspected that gift promotions, registration promotions etc are abused, Crazy Games Development can and may withdraw gifts and take appropriate measures.
22. No monetary payment is required in order to receive the prize offered.
23. All game taxes will be paid by Crazy Games Development. Any other taxes, inlcuding or excluding country of residence, are the responsibility of the participant.
24. Crazy Games Development is not responsible for any typographical errors, technical failures, any form of discomfort that occurs during an action or any damages resulting therefrom.
25. Prizes need to be claimed within 2 weeks after the winner announcement. If the winner does not react within this time Crazy Games Development holds the right to refrain from handing out the prize.  Crazy Games Development is not responsible for wrongly filled in email addresses or home addresses filled in by our users.
26. These conditions are additional to the General Promotional Guidelines. By participating in this event you agree to both the specific and the General Promotional Guidelines.

Tarjetas de Regalo para Cena de San Valentín - 2025

1. El evento “Tarjetas de Regalo para Cena de San Valentín” comienza el 5 de febrero de 2025 a las 10:00 horas (CET) y termina el 14 de febrero de 2025 a las 10:00 horas (CET).
2. Para ser elegible para ganar premios en el evento “Tarjetas de Regalo para Cena de San Valentín”, los jugadores deben recolectar todos los artículos del juego “Chocolate”: el Marcador “Corazón de Chocolate”, el Marco para Fotos “Caja de Bombones” y el Diseño de Carton “Caja de Bombones”.
3. Para “recolectar” un artículo del juego, los jugadores deben comprarlo a través del Inventario usando Monedas o Libretas.
4. Los artículos del juego estarán disponibles el 5 de febrero. Una vez disponibles, los artículos estarán disponibles para su compra hasta el final del evento.
5. Los ganadores serán elegidos aleatoriamente de un grupo de usuarios que hayan recolectado los tres artículos del juego, y se anunciarán en un artículo de noticias dentro del juego el 14 de febrero de 2025 a las 10:00 horas (CET).
6. Los jugadores elegibles (aquellos que tienen los tres artículos del juego comprados en su inventario) tienen la oportunidad de ganar, sujeto a disponibilidad al momento de la compra:
6a. Uno de cinco premios: una tarjeta de regalo para cena, valor de US$100.
7. GamePoint se reserva el derecho de terminar el evento sin previo aviso ni anuncio.
8. Estas condiciones son adicionales a las Directrices Generales de Promociones. Al participar en este evento, aceptas tanto las condiciones específicas como las Directrices Generales de Promociones.

LOVE TV - 2025.

1. “LOVE TV” se llevará a cabo el martes 11 de febrero a las 20:00 horas (CET) hasta el miércoles 12 de febrero a las 01:30 horas (CET).
2. Los jugadores deben estar en línea en la sala “LOVE TV” en Bingo para tener la oportunidad de ganar.
3. Los jugadores VIP y SuperVIP no tienen una mayor probabilidad de ganar.
4. Este evento es aplicable a todos los jugadores de todos los países.
5. Solo los jugadores de los siguientes países son elegibles para ganar un premio físico: Estados Unidos de América, Canadá, Reino Unido, Países Bajos, Francia, Alemania, Italia, España, Portugal. Los jugadores que vivan en otros países solo son elegibles para ganar Monedas y membresías.
6. Los ganadores también pueden ser anunciados a través de un artículo de noticias en nuestra página de Noticias al día siguiente del evento.
7. Los ganadores de premios físicos también serán contactados a través de un mensaje de Facebook ('solicitudes filtradas') o a través de la dirección de correo electrónico que GamePoint tiene registrada. Todos los jugadores son responsables de tener una dirección de correo electrónico válida o una cuenta de Facebook vinculada.
8. Los ganadores de premios físicos tienen 24 horas después del Sorteo para reclamar su premio respondiendo al correo electrónico de GamePoint o enviando un correo electrónico indicando que reclaman su premio a [email protected].
9. En caso de que un premio físico no esté disponible por parte del tercero o no pueda ser entregado, GamePoint se reserva el derecho de compensar al ganador con Monedas y/o suscripciones, según el valor del premio.
10. A los ganadores de un premio se les puede solicitar que compartan un testimonio y su imagen con fines publicitarios y otras comunicaciones.
11. GamePoint se reserva el derecho de finalizar el evento sin previo aviso o anuncio.
12. Estas condiciones son adicionales a las Directrices Generales de Promociones. Al participar en este evento, aceptas tanto las condiciones específicas como las Directrices Generales de Promociones.

Día Mundial contra el Cáncer 2025

El evento de recaudación de fondos del Día Mundial contra el Cáncer se celebrará desde el 28 de enero a las 10:00 horas hasta el 4 de febrero a las 21:00 horas (CET).

GamePoint ofrecerá un Marco de Fotos "Lazo morado", que se podrá comprar con Monedas o Libretas, como parte del esfuerzo para concienciar sobre el Día Mundial contra el Cáncer. Por cada Marco de Fotos virtual "Lazo morado" adquirido por jugadores de fuera de los Países Bajos, GamePoint donará 1 USD a https://www.worldcancerday.org.

El total de la donación se anunciará en las Noticias de GamePoint el 4 de febrero a las 21:00.

GamePoint se reserva el derecho de cancelar el evento sin previo aviso.

Estas condiciones complementan las Directrices Generales de Promoción. Al participar en este evento, los jugadores reconocen y aceptan tanto las directrices específicas del evento como las directrices generales de promoción.

El importe máximo de la donación colectiva que aportará GamePoint es de 5.000 USD.

Facebook Valentine's Giveaway

El Sorteo de San Valentín en Facebook comienza el lunes 10 de febrero de 2025 a las 11:00 horas y finaliza el miércoles 12 de febrero de 2025 a las 11:00 horas (CET). Los jugadores pueden participar cumpliendo los requisitos mencionados en la publicación. Habrá un (1) ganador en total. El premio incluye 1 tarjeta regalo para cenas, valorada en 100€. Los participantes deben incluir su nombre de jugador de GamePoint para tener la oportunidad de ganar el premio. Los jugadores VIP y SuperVIP no tienen una mayor oportunidad de ganar. Este evento es aplicable para todos los jugadores, en todo el mundo. El ganador será anunciado en los comentarios bajo la publicación del Sorteo en la página de GamePoint Bingo y en la publicación de Anuncio de Ganadores. Todos los jugadores son responsables de tener un nombre de jugador válido para recibir el premio. El ganador tiene 72 horas después de nuestra comunicación para reclamar cualquier problema a través de nuestras redes sociales o enviando un correo electrónico a [email protected]. GamePoint se reserva el derecho de finalizar el evento sin previo aviso o anuncio. GamePoint se reserva el derecho de realizar cambios en los términos y condiciones de este concurso por razones de fuerza mayor y/o externas a la activación misma. Estas condiciones son adicionales a las Directrices Generales de Promociones. Al participar en este evento, aceptas ambas, las específicas y las generales.

Valentine's Mailing Giveaway - 2025

1) The giveaway period where players can receive a Valentine's-themed postcard and are then able to claim a personal gift starts on Monday, February 10, 2025 at 00:00 ET and ends on Friday, February 28, 2025 at 23:59 ET.
2) The Giveaway happens on March 1, 2025.
3) Only players who receive a physical postcard from GamePoint can participate. To get a card, a player must have a complete profile (with valid address in their account's profile) and meet the event criteria.
4) Players have to have claimed the gift via the method(s) described on the physical postcard they have received.
5) VIP and SuperVIP players do not have an improved chance of winning.
6) This event is applicable to selected players in The Netherlands, Germany, France, the USA and Canada.
7) Only players from the following countries are eligible to win a physical prize: The Netherlands, Germany, France, the USA and Canada.
8) Winners of physical prizes will be contacted via the e-mail address that is currently known at GamePoint. All players themselves are responsible for having a valid e-mail address.
9) Winners of physical prizes have 24 hours after the Giveaway to claim their prize by replying to GamePoint's e-mail or sending an e-mail stating that they claim their prize to [email protected].
10) GamePoint can not be held liable for damage to or loss of the postcard by postal companies.
11) In case a physical prize is not available by the third party or cannot be delivered, GamePoint reserves the right to compensate the winner with Coins and/or subscriptions, in accordance with the prize value.
12) Winners of a prize may be asked to share a testimonial and their likeness for the purpose of advertising and other communications.
13) GamePoint reserves the right to end the event without any prior notice or announcement.
14) These conditions are additional to the General Promotional Guidelines. By participating in this event you agree to both the specific and the General Promotional Guidelines.

Sorteo Todos Ganan - Lucky Days 2025

1. El Sorteo Todos Ganan comenzará el lunes 17 de marzo a las 20:00 horas (CET).
2. Los jugadores deben estar en línea en GamePoint en cualquier partida durante el Sorteo para tener la oportunidad de ganar.
3. Los jugadores VIP y SuperVIP no tienen más posibilidades de ganar
4. Este evento es aplicable a todos los jugadores de todos los países.
5. Solo podrán ganar un premio físico los jugadores de los siguientes países: Estados Unidos de América, Canadá, Reino Unido, Países Bajos, Francia, Alemania, Italia, España y Portugal. Los jugadores que residan en otros países solo podrán ganar Monedas y suscripciones.
6. Los ganadores se anunciarán en el chat mediante un anuncio global en el chat. Los ganadores también podrán ser anunciados a través de una noticia en nuestra página de Noticias el día después del evento.
7. También se contactará a los ganadores de los premios físicos a través de un mensaje de Facebook ("solicitudes filtradas") o a través de la dirección de correo electrónico que se conozca en ese momento en GamePoint. Todos los jugadores son responsables de tener una dirección de correo electrónico válida o una cuenta de Facebook vinculada.
8. Los ganadores de premios físicos tienen hasta 24 horas después del Sorteo para reclamar su premio respondiendo al correo electrónico de GamePoint o enviando un correo electrónico indicando que reclaman su premio a [email protected].
9. En caso de que un premio físico no esté disponible por parte de un tercero o el premio no pueda ser entregado, GamePoint se reserva el derecho de compensar al ganador con Monedas y/o suscripciones, de acuerdo con el valor del premio.
10. Se podrá pedir a los ganadores de un premio que compartan un testimonio y su imagen con fines publicitarios y otras comunicaciones.
11. GamePoint se reserva el derecho de poner fin al evento sin previo aviso o anuncio.
12. Estas condiciones son adicionales a las Directrices Generales de Promoción. Al participar en este evento, usted acepta tanto las Directrices de promoción específicas como las Generales.