VOTE for VIP of the Year

VOTE for VIP of the Year
The year is almost over and like previous years, we're inviting you to vote for your VIP of the Year 2016!

We know that it's close to impossible to select only one out of so many great players, but only your first entry will be counted.

Maybe this person is really good at explaining RoyalDice to new players? Or he is just the life of the party in chat! Let us know which (Super)VIP-player YOU consider VIP of the Year by leaving a comment.

The winner will be announced next week, so keep your eyes peeled.

Play Bingo

GitUpOffDatTing -
Ummm gp ya might wanna read your post,its for last year :D
martinimarque -
i think the post means that they are trying to choose someone who has helped out in 2016 ( probably someone in Bingo ) . To be fair .. it should be anyone that offers help to newcomers who dont know the rules of ANY game. I for one play Word Tornado and it's very rare that anyone in there is lucky enough to win anything .. let alone a years Vip Crown ..but good luck to the person lucky enough to win . ;-)
HaseebM2 -
Yep, 2016 is right if you want to select VIP of that year for 2017.

I hope one of my good friend/s win this year. :) I don't wanna participate. I had the good fortune last year and unlike elections, this is different.
kgrace1 -
me plz. no just kidding. Just became vip. But, I don't know anyone. so, Good Luck 2 all.
Tootsieroll1 -
I vote for BreannaGrace
martinimarque -
Do you have to be a VIP to become VIP of the year ? What happens if you dont have vip status to start off with ?
winnikins989 - 29 December, 2016 12:21 AM
I would like to vote for Dicer3 when I first came onto gp she was gracious enough to not only teach me how to play each game but, how to navigate my way around. Awesome player and awesome friend now.
MissDee8 -
PeacefulPlayer -
I vote for SherieT3. She's kind, considerate. Does her best to help anyone she can. She does her best to stay clear of confrontations. A real positive influence.
Maverick18 -
I vote for ChristinaH. She is full of liveliness and likes to help others. A real sport!
IvyGreener -
vote for ChristinaH22
HaseebM2 -
I vote for ChristinaH22.
HaseebM2 -
Sry forgot to add reason: She is helpful, sporting and plays fair.
frogs464 -
Chantel1 -
I vote for wheelchairman, he's a great guy !!!
LilDevils - 31 December, 2016 12:21 AM
I vote for Dicer3. I have seen her be very helpful to players many times. Plus she is always so nice in chat.
QuizLiz -
Dicer3 would be a great VIP of the Year!
Tristy5 -
My vote for ChristinaH22 is awsome and super deserving!!
You go girl xx Woot Woot
HinztarS1 -
I vote for ChristinaH22 because she's friendly and a good sport.
LorrieR5 -
I nominate ChristinaH22, good at explaining games, not so much. But she is very friendly, a little crazy and loves people. She will talk to anybody and make friends with everybody. Very good at making everybody feel included and has no problem making people smile with her comical stories. The year certaintly would have been less enjoyable without Chris being there.
sexylexy777 -
i vote ChristineH22 . She is fun and fair and likes to help others
MarilynW135 -
Dicer3 - as others have said she is very friendly and very helpful.
pam109 -
i will vote for christinah22..she is very kind and helpul and a blast to play games with..she makes gamepoint more fun
AlanRickhoff -
I vote for ChristinaH22
AlanRickhoff -
ChristinaH22 gets my vote for VIP 2016!!
AlanRickhoff -
My vote for VIP 2016 is ChristinaH22 as she is fun to play with, and always has great stories to tell!!!
RobClark -
I am Team Dicer3. She makes the game so fun in chat!!!
ChristinaBrewe1 -
witchway2go -
vote for dicer3 she is the best
Roseybudflower6 -
My vote would have to be for the nicest player I have met on here , Dicer 3 she was not ony patient but , very helpful, find and super friendly. She made joining gp a pleasure and deserves to win.
PeacefulPlayer -
I want to cast my vote for SherieT3. She is a kind and considerate player. When a fellow player needed winter boots and could not afford any, she bought a pair and shipped them to this player. I think that is an awesome thing to do.
CutiePie23 -
Dicer3 Hands down! She is the most freindliest and so much fun!
Fodjuh - 2 January, 2017 2:04 AM
ChristinaH22, that is my vote :)
louissitard -
my vote is for christinah22 she is a nice person
louissitard -
i vote for christinah22 because she is nice
DeLite4evr -
Dicer3 would be the very best choice for VIP of the Year. She is an excellent example of friendliness, kindness and helpfulness. She's always willing to help new players out and is a pleasure to be around. Because of her I have come back to play GamePoint again and again!!!
PamDay -
my vote goes to christinah22, she is the most friendliest and warm hearted person on here. she livens up any game she plays. and she plays them all. bingo poker card party teasers and she is very helpful in all of them. she gets my vote for vip player of the year
Yugodroom -
Ik stem voor ChristinaH22, omdat zij is een lieve meid, altijd vrolijk en een lekkere kletskop
janie111111 -
christinah22 gets my vote for vip....she is the life of the chat that girl
ZadeA2 -
most valuable gamepoint player is christinah22 she gets my vote for vip lovely person
HarleyJim -
Dicer3 She is really fun to play games with!!!
FricknFrat -
I would like to vote for ChristinaH22. She was very helpful when I first came into gamepoint and still is.
AnneH303 -
My vote is for Dicer3. I always see her helping people in chat. Very sweet girl!
Clover317 -
I vot for ChristinaH22
t0p40 -
Mijn stem gaat voor Fodjuh! Omdat hij zo graag gooid met de pannen in de loby :) daar naast is hij aardig en wil graag zijn vrienden helpen.
t0p40 -
En ik stem ook voor ChristinaH22 maar ook voor Wild Thing. Nou, ik vind dat ze allemaal een prijs verdienen
Ticey - 2 January, 2017 3:43 AM
christinah22. her positivity
Odie221 -
Dicer3, Dicer3, Dicer3! Get it girl!
Dicer3 - 2 January, 2017 4:13 AM
I would like to thank you all for the sweet things you have said. I am overwhelmed by your comments and you my friends, are what keeps me coming back every day! XOXO
PixieDust4 -
I vote for Dicer3
PatriciaCosner -
I vote for Dicer3 .. Very friendly and very helpful and kind to all..
RussT1 -
i vote for ChristinaH22 because shes a lot of fun to hang, play, and chat with.