Happy Thanksgiving from the GamePoint Family

Happy Thanksgiving from the GamePoint Family
As we look forward to delicious turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes and all the trimmings, we stop and think about what we're grateful for. GamePoint is grateful for all our wonderful players and the exciting community that they helped us build. We couldn't have done it without you. We look forward to many more games and fun times together!

Let us know how you will be celebrating Thanksgiving by leaving a comment below.

Waiting for the turkey in the oven to finish or feeling full from your feast? Relax by playing some Bingo

MichaelJohnson3 -
relax watching football and playing bingo &keno
AidaGP -
3 games that day! Lots of halftime for you to play Bingo and Keno then! Have a great Thanksgiving!
ChrissyCarrano -
Cooking and eating while Star Wars plays in the background (Thanksgiving tradition to watch all the movies), as well as playing bingo in between when guests aren't here.
AidaGP -
Hello ChrissyCarrano,

That's an interesting tradition! And we're happy to have you playing. Maybe introduce some of your guests to Bingo too! Have a wonderful dinner and Thanksgiving!
snuggybunny -
Relaxing with my mom and kitty, nice dinner and of course lots of cardparty. Have a great Thanksgiving Gamepoint!!
AidaGP -
Have a great Thanksgiving and thanks for playing snuggybunny! Best of luck in CardParty too!
Isatha -
AidaGP -
Thanks Isatha! And Happy Thanksgiving to you too!
JudyConn2 -
happy thanksgiving
AidaGP -
Happy Thanksgiving to you too JudyConn2!
Nanathree -
I am so thankful to have sites such as yours. We are both retired and home bound due to my husbands multiple schlerosis. This site offers many ways to enjoy this time. I am also thankful for all the gifts that are so generously given by game point. Even though some think this is not enough, I am grateful for any help that is given. I sincerely wish everyone a wonderful Thanksgiving and a joyous holiday season as we move toward Christmas. Just remember to be thankful for all things always.
AidaGP -
We're definitely thankful for understanding and long-time players like you, Nanathree. :) Holiday season is coming up, so who knows what's coming... But in the meantime, have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
ChristinaBrewe1 -
AidaGP -
ChristinaBrewe1, wishing you the best of luck in-game and a great Thanksgiving!